BA9604.ZIP 35,667 05-07-96 Being Alive / Los Angeles (April 1996)
BUTTER.ZIP 50,887 07-22-96 American Dairy Association info & recipes(including Meal-Master importable format)Used with permission from the American DairyAssociation.
COLD.ZIP 3,592 06-19-96 Peripheral Cold Injuries By Richard N.Nelson, M.D. An Article on Hypothermia.
DIETTRAK.ZIP 344,597 06-16-96 Diet Tracker V1.0 for Windows
EDKIT96.ZIP 48,277 06-27-96 Education Kit 1996 from President's Committeeon Employment of People with Disabilities -ASCII & WP5
FDA-9606.ZIP 51,780 05-20-96 FDA Consumer magazine (VOL. 30 No. 5) 06/96Features: Seven Steps to Safer Sunning; OrganTransplants from Animals: Examining thePossibilities; Infant Formula: Second Bestbut Good Enough; Health Information On-Line;
FDA-9607.ZIP 41,688 06-21-96 FDA Consumer magazine (July-August 1996) VOL.30 No. 6 FEATURES: Taking the Fat Out ofFood; Adults Need Tetanus Shots, Too;Preventing Dehydration in Children; FightingFleas and Ticks; Inside FDA: The Center for
FIFANN.ZIP 13,464 06-12-96 Fifth Year Review of the ADA by the Dept. ofJustice
FMKIT100.ZIP 585,041 06-04-96 From My Kitchen v1.0 <ASP> Recipe Manager forWindows. Easy-to-use, friendly, fully-functional system, designed for novice butpowerful enough for expert use. Features:dynamic lists (categories, ingredients, etc.
FOIA.ZIP 12,390 06-11-96 Freedom of Information Rights
FSCR40.ZIP 874,117 06-01-96 From Scratch 4.0 Internet ready recipeprogram for Windows. New screen design, workswith to search over 10,000recipes. Print with any combination ofWindows fonts and colors. Prints 3 X 5 cards,
HEALTH21.ZIP 937,959 05-01-96 HEALING WITH HERBS ver.2.1 The mostcomprehensive guide to the heali power ofherbs. This Spectacular, colorful, a userfriendly program will teach what you ne toknow about natures medicines, and how it c
HERB31.ZIP 1380,145 05-01-96 HERB POWER v3.1 The ultimate guide to thepower of herbs. This Spectacular, colorful,and user friendly program will teach what youneed to know abou natures medicines, and howit will effect your live. Among the many
HERSHEY4.ZIP 19,885 06-28-96 Dessert & Pasta Recipes from Hershey FoodsCorporation. Meal-Master recipe format byKaren Mintzias.
HMCOOK12.ZIP 128,447 06-17-96 Home Cookin (1.2) - An easy to use MealManagement system for Win 3.1/Win95. Includesa full featured Recipe database, Grocery listmanager, and Calendar/Meal Planner. Otherfeatures include a powerful search system,
HUD1.ZIP 8,177 06-11-96 HUD & Fair Housing Rights
IMPLMENT.TXT 79,513 07-24-96 Presidential Advisory Council Recommendations(7/8/96)
JOB-EB96.TXT 11,771 06-01-96 Job Opportunities for the Blind Employer'sBulletin 1996, What to do When You Hire aBlind Person
JOB96CON.TXT 5,838 06-04-96 Information on Job Opportunities for the Blintopical breakfasts to be held at 1996 NFBConvention in Anaheim
KA_BTLS2.ZIP 399,003 07-16-96 ver. 2 Basic*TraumaLife*Support FullyFunctional SHAREware by KA_Soft! Includes 500study questions, in 2 modules Basic-BTLS &Advanced-BTLS
KA_MT_13.ZIP 471,431 05-02-96 by A Medical Terminology
LEVERAGE.ZIP 15,479 06-11-96 Leveraging access to NII
MCOOK198.ZIP 487,742 07-01-96 MicroCook 1.98 <ASP> Recipe Manager - NORSKiSoftware. Easy to use menus and editor withfull mouse support. Number of recipes onlylimited by hard disk space. Export and Importfiles. Full File Manager with ASCII viewer
MMCONV21.ZIP 52,539 07-07-96 MMCONV converts recipes to MealMaster format.
NGKDN46.ZIP 858,659 05-26-96 NutriGenie Kidney Disease Nutrition - Windowswinner of Home PC Top 100 Products of theYear. Basedon U.S. Surgeon General's and NationalInstitutes of Health's dietary guidelines for
NGNFO47.ZIP 852,010 07-18-96 NutriGenie Nutrition for Olympians Propernutrition can mean the difference betweenwinning and losing. This program analyzesyour diet for optimal intake of nutrientsthat have been shown to directly affect one's
NGWS46.ZIP 828,994 06-01-96 NutriGenie Weight Shedders 4.6 for WindowsFrom winner of Home PC Top 100 Products ofthe Year. Latest generation of nutritionsoftware: excellent interface, huge databaseof foods, extensive activity data. Has unique
NGZNP47.ZIP 857,419 06-24-96 NutriGenie Zone Nutrition Professional Windowfrom winner of Home PC Top 100 Products of thYear. companion to The Zone, A Dietary RoaMap by Barry Sears, Ph.D. Analyzes your diet
NLS0719.TXT 16,905 07-24-96 NLS funding update and information on proposecopyright amendments. We need your assistancewith them.
NPA.ZIP 59,905 05-24-96 Recipes from the National Pasta Association.( 178 recipes,formatted to be importable to Meal-Master andcompatible recipe programs, or viewable asplain text.
OIL20.ZIP 1026,210 05-01-96 ESSENTIAL OILS v.2.0 People all over theworld are discovering the wonderful healingand life enhancing qualities of Essentialoils. They're a fantastic natural response tothe dangerous side effects of synthetically
PR96-EB.TXT 1,850 06-01-96 Press Release for JOB Employer's Bulletin1996, What to do When You Hire a Blind Person
RBW250SC.ZIP 355,593 08-05-96 Recipe Book for Windows 2.50
RCPE350.ZIP 212,553 05-27-96 RECIPE BOX V3.50 <ASP> - A Culinary Toolkitdeveloped to bring the power of the PC intothe kitchen. Whether you are a five starchef, kitchen gourmet or a food serviceprofessional, Recipe Box has the power and
SIG18.ZIP 1900,857 05-14-96 Signal 18 EMT Study Helper ver 1.02. NiceWindows based EMT study program. ExecuteSETUP.EXE to install.
SUPMK136.ZIP 327,103 05-13-96 Super!Market v1.36 <ASP> is a Windows-basedproductivity product used to create ashopping list that includes prices and aislenumbers. The list can be printed in aislenumber sequence with or without pricing
TELECOM.ZIP 13,125 06-11-96 Q & A About Telecommunting For Persons WithDisAbilities
TTYTERMS.ZIP 1,698 06-01-96 Commonly used TTY terms used with Relaysystems
XTR142.ZIP 952,263 06-14-96 The Cross Trainer for Windows